Saturday 18 June 2016

Day 12 - North Sydney to Truro, N.S

A really smooth voyage across from Port aux Basques to North Sydney. Could hardly tell we were on a ship, very little movement & vibration.

The announcement system must be designed for those who are hard of hearing as it was extremely loud with no volume control. We ended up wrapping 2 towels around it to mute it.

We arrived, bright & early and it was cold out! 
Could not wait for the fresh air as folks started engines all over after being directed not to. I asked one of the Harley guys to please shut off his engine & he replied that he needed to warm it up! The fumes became really bad & then we finally were able to disembark!

Last time we were in Nfld was 6 yrs ago and we were both screeched on our last night by a local. The initiation involves wearing a sou'wester hat, raincoat, singing a little ditty, having a sip of screech & kissing a cod. Wasn't a full size adult cod available so they substituted a baby cod from the freezer. 

Pat getting screeched 6 yrs ago in Nfld

The winds were strong & cold as we made our way west on Hwy 104, off Cape Breton island. We stopped in Baddeck for tea, snack & gas. This is where Alexander Graham Bell made his second home & did many of his experiments. 

Pat by Baddeck town sign

Felt like home again with the great road conditions, well placed signage & heavy traffic. The wind gusts became quite strong between the Canso causeway & New Glasgow. It can be quite demanding, holding onto the bike when it is pushed by the wind & then not overcorrecting it when the wind lets up.

Was wonderful to arrive at Breda & Adrian's lovely home, enjoy a delicious home cooked meal & a cozy snooze tonight.

So far we have travelled 4100 km on our journey.

Total mileage today 300 km

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