Friday, 17 June 2016

Day 10 - Daniel's Harbour to Cornerbrook

After a so-so breaky, during which Pat saw a whale blowing it's spout out on the water, we set out for Cornerbrook.

It continues to be cool in the mornings, less than 10C but with the rain & wind it feels closer to the freezing mark.

I find after 50 km, I need to warm up my hands & feet despite wearing adequate gear. 

The mountain range continued on our left as we moved south on Hwy 430, ending with Gros Morne. 

Managed a break by the water before the cooler, wet weather set in. Picked up some rocks to share with family & friends.

At the Gros Morne visitor centre, we were told no hikers were being allowed on the trail to the summit of Gros Morne due to arctic wildlife nesting. Not that we planned to hike up there or anything but it goes to show the importance of thorough research before planning that kind of excursion. 

Apart from a few construction sections, the road was smooth with lovely curves & I could take in the gorgeous scenery. However, at one tight curve to the left, a truck lost control & tipped over to the right, spilling it's load. As we passed, another truck & workers were collecting & repacking the load.

Where Labrador comes across as the stiff, strict older sibling, Nfld feels wild-spirited, relaxed, lush with green growth.

We are staying at the Grenfell campus of Memorial university in Cornerbrook. It costs the same as a motel room & is spacious, clean & equipped with a kitchenette.

Bonus! Laundry is only $1 a load to wash, same to dry & they supply the soap!

We walked to pick up some local fish at the nearby store, along with other liquid refreshments. Pat cooked us up a delicious appetizer of steamed mussels and pan fried up some yummy cod.

This is our last night on the island. Tomorrow we catch the ferry from Port aux Basques to North Sydney.

Pat by the shore on a break from the bikes

A quick video from our break by the water. Gros Morne in the distance, fishing folk checking their catch

The trees lean way back and look a bit stunted in growth near the shore.

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