Friday 17 June 2016

Day 11 - Cornerbrook to Port aux Basques

Pat cooked us up a filling cheese omelette for breaky to keep hunger at bay for awhile.

It was cloudy & cool as we set out for the last few hundred km to the ferry in Port aux Basques.

Felt really chilled through after about 100 km & finally found hot drinks in the small town of St George.

After the next 50 km, I was ready for hot soup & an Irving gas/restaurant conveniently showed up!

I knew from our earlier trip that a section was coming up that is notorious for high winds called Wreckhouse. I braced myself for hanging on tight but it appears today was not a high wind day! 😃

Port aux Basques looks much the same as it did 6 years ago. Drove around a bit, picked up some souvenirs & a bite to eat.

We were first in line for the motorcycles boarding. While we chilled in the ferry terminal, about 6 other Harley Davidson's parked behind us. One couple had driven out from B.C. & said this was their last visit - just too damn cold!

After the bikes were tied in for the overnight journey we went to our cabin. It was about 10 pm & the ferry was scheduled to leave at 11:45 pm, arriving in North Sydney, N.S. at 7 am

Our last journey to & from the island 6 yrs ago on this same ferry route had us trying to sleep in the adjustable upright chairs with light, noise, people all around. Not this time! 

On our arrival in N.S., we still had about 300 km to drive to Pat's sister's home in Truro. We didn't want to veg out & not enjoy our time with them so we opted for booking a cabin. Glad we did as it made the voyage that much more comfortable. 

We had a few drinks, snacks, watched TV & off to sleep. I brought some fruit & granola bars to tide us over till we could buy breaky during our first warm-up. It was going to be another cool morning ride on our arrival in North Sydney.

Total mileage: 265 km

A short clip from a quieter part of Port aux Basques

Our ferry, the Highlander. Only 5 yrs old, smooth sail, clean & well run!

My bike strapped down, ready for the journey 

Pat's bike, mine in front of his & all the Harley's in front of me. We were first in, then backed up against a wall, beside a trailer

Very clean, cozy cabin for 2 & private washroom with shower

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