Sunday, 24 April 2016

Jan- April 2016

You can see from the pic below taken in January when we purchased the bike, the damage on the rear tire along with some cosmetic stuff it needed after being in a crash a year or so earlier.
Looks much improved in April after new rear tire, left grip and gear selector/foot peg, repaired left mirror. No rear carrier on yet.
We did a day trip April 16, with Pat and I driving north for an hour or so, with me on the 02' KLR, getting used to it at highway speeds and buffeting the usual Hwy 6 north brisk winds. Taking it for a kind of "sea trial" to notice and point out to my personal mechanic (Pat) what needs to be fine-tuned. Pat put on the crash bars too, just in case! They don't fit quite the same as on the 2010, but they will do!
Just driving on gravel again and letting the front wheel pick its path felt strange and made me a bit tense and uncomfortable. Also, driving around, up and down a hilly, grassy area and I was suddenly back in the northwest, facing uncertain roadways and unsure of my ability to stay upright. All worked out fine, just early season jitters!
Here is my bike, the '02 on the left and Pat's '09 on the right. Looks good with the back carrier on it!
When you spend a lot of time with someone who rides soooo much better than you, it can be both thrilling and scary and a bit initimidating. Good thing Pat has a lot of patience and understanding!! 
There was a bit of a hesitation with the accelerator rolled on and thought it was due to the wind. However on the return drive, still there. Had Pat drive it and he agreed the timing not smooth. A tune-up may be a good idea before leaving for Labrador. 
Tonight Pat shaved down the foam in my seat, as I found it a bit narrow to sit on. Since it is more narrow at the top it should now support my bottom better. It is sitting quite high since the doo-hickey not yet done. I find this type of bike sits lower anyway once the loaded side luggage on.
On the return trip I also noticed the gear selector kind of loose and wobbly and I thought it might actually fall off! Pulled off at the first opportunity and pointed out to Pat, he said, yes it needs adjustment and he kindly took care of it that night!
Pat also extended the short side stand so the bike doesn't lean over to the left as far and I can now muscle it up to standing no problem! Not long ago, I took the bike downtown for a ride. I parked on a side street that had a bit more of a lean to it than usual. I did my errand and when leaving, I could not pull it up to standing when sitting on it. I had to put it back on the side stand, pull it up to standing from the opposite side and walk it to more level pavement, where I then put it back on the side stand. Took one more try before success! Since then, Pat has put a small extension on the end of it. Hoping no problems when fully loaded for our trip.
The rear turn signals are not very bright so it makes me very aware of traffic coming up from behind when I am turning and a reminder to also use hand signals. 
The rear brake pedal was bent down at an angle that felt uncomfortable when pressing down on it. I had Pat adjust this for me too.
This bike seems to have more vibration to it than the 2010 did. Pat says it feels like it takes more wind as well over the small windshield. 
All fixable, well, most of them anyway! So nice to get ironed out now!!

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